Monday, September 8, 2008

Miller's First Bath at Home(9/7/08)

Miller's first bath was nerve racking for Courtney and I. She was fine for the first 30 seconds(HA) but after that it was a race with the clock. Little Miller was so cold she was very loudly trying to convey to us to get some clothes back on her. We all made it through with tears in our eyes. When it was all said and done, Miller was clean and everybody was happy. Thats livin'


Jennifer said...

She is beautiful! I am so proud of you. I can't believe that you are a Momma!!!! You are still supposed to be screaming running down the road refusing to let me brush your hair or put your shoes on! I love you! Jen

Anonymous said...

Courtney and Shane!

Miller is here. Your family is beautiful! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

The journey begins! You guys are doing great and she is soooo beautiful. Invest in some Kleenex, there will be more moments like that! Knock, Knock......Love, Sheri